Welcome to Mrs Cecchini's Class Blog. This is a great place to share our work and ideas with friends and family close to us and those all around the world. Add your comments and complete the challenges...share in the fun.

11 May 2013


This week, lots of children have passed writing targets and they all received a certificate in assembly on Friday. Fantastic work!!
Well done also to Joseph and Adam, who passed mental maths targets!!
This week, our star of the week was Sam, for fantastic effort and behaviour in school - he is also flying in Maths!!
Well done to all!!

Fabulous Handwriting!

Over the last week, we have been planning our own stories. This is the start of Ruby's plan, along with some beautiful handwriting! Well done Ruby!!

Story Telling!

Here are some pictures of children acting out 'Billy's Brave Adventure' in our role play area!

07 May 2013

Working outside!!

On Tuesday (7/5) it was so warm we decided to do some of our literacy work outside. Here are some pictures from the morning!

Evie had some fun trying to work the iPad, and got it going in the end!

04 May 2013

Inspirational Art!

This week, Poppy went to see Mr Robinson to show him her painting of Billy the Brave Knight!
It now takes pride of place in our school hall, for everyone to see!
Well done Poppy!