Welcome to Mrs Cecchini's Class Blog. This is a great place to share our work and ideas with friends and family close to us and those all around the world. Add your comments and complete the challenges...share in the fun.

29 June 2013

Class Art!

Keep an eye out when in school for our own class art project, inspired by Henri Matisse!
The children all contributed to the piece of artwork, by each having a piece of paper which were all later joined together.

Maths Outside!

This week we decided to make the most of some of the nice weather to do some maths outside! Children were completing various symmetry and measuring activities on Wednesday and Thursday.

Minibeast Visit

On Wednesday we had our 'Meet the Minibeasts' visit, with the children seeing some of the animals they have been learning about over the past few weeks. We also had the chance to touch and hold some of them.
The children loved it and we were really proud of them for being brave with the snakes!

Towards the end, the girls were brave enough to uncover their eyes!

One of my favourite pictures - how does the snake feel George?!

20 June 2013

Topic Work Outside!

On Wednesday we took advantage of the beautiful weather to do some work outside. All three 1/2 classes went out, with different activities for the children to do. We had children planting wild flower seeds in our garden area; drawing a picture of a bee garden in topic books; and tasting some honey!!

Benjamin and Alfie were desperate to get in front of the camera!!

17 June 2013


Here are the pictures of our ladybirds!!

15 June 2013

Busy week in class!

The children have been writing poetry, as part of their Big Write and for the Key Stage One Minibeast poem, that we will be reading to the rest of the school in Monday's assembly!
We have finished painting our ladybirds!
We have been reading 'The Crunching Munching Caterpillar' and children have completed reading activities based on the story.
We also had our own mini-Olympics in PE, where we practiced our running, jumping, throwing and even had a relay race!

We have made Fathers Day cards and the class have been introduced to our class dojos, a new rewards system that we are big fans of.

11 June 2013

Minibeast Experiment!

On Monday afternoon we did a Minibeast experiment - we caught some minibeasts and watched to see which ones would burrow to the bottom of the plastic bottle!